How to Clean Leather Sofa at Home: DIY Tips - Berre Furniture

Leather sofas are a luxurious and stylish addition to any living room, but keeping them looking their best can be a challenge. With time, dirt, spills, and everyday use can damage the surface. It results in discoloration, cracks, and an overall dull appearance. That's where proper leather sofa cleaning comes into play to avoid sofa repair.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll guide you to effectively clean and maintain your leather couches at home, ensuring it stays in original condition for years to come. Whether you want to clean your leather chairs or ottomans, this handy piece of writing will save your time and effort.

Leather Sofa Cleaning Preparation

Before you get your hands on the cleaning process, it's essential to gather the right supplies and prepare the area. Here's what you will need:

  • Soft-bristled brush or vacuum attachment
  • Leather cleaner or saddle soap (suitable for your leather type)
  • Microfiber cloths or lint-free rags
  • Leather conditioner or oil (optional)
  • Leather patch for sofa (for repairing minor cracks or tears)

Ensure proper ventilation by opening windows or using a fan to circulate air during the cleaning process.

Remove Dust and Vacuum

Begin by removing any loose dirt, debris, or pet hair from the surface of your leather sofa. Use a soft-bristled brush or the upholstery attachment on your vacuum cleaner to gently brush or vacuum the sofa. Pay extra attention to crevices and seams where dirt can accumulate.

Leather sofa cleaning

Clean Spots & Stains

If your leather sofa has visible stains or spills, it's important to do dry cleaning before proceeding with the full cleaning. Blot up any fresh spills immediately with a clean, dry cloth to prevent them from setting.

For dried or stubborn stains, use a small amount of leather cleaner or saddle soap and gently rub it into the affected area with a damp cloth or soft-bristled brush. Avoid using too much water or harsh chemicals, as they can damage the leather.

Time to Deep Clean

Once you've addressed any stains, it's time to deep clean the entire surface of your leather sofa. Apply a small amount of leather cleaner or saddle soap to a damp microfiber cloth or lint-free rag. Work in sections, gently rubbing the cleaner into the leather in a circular motion. Avoid saturating the leather, as excessive moisture can cause damage. In case of over-conditioned leather, you need to follow a few easy steps.

Conditioning & Protection

After cleaning, it's essential to condition the leather to keep it supple and prevent cracking or drying out. Apply a small amount of leather conditioner or oil to a clean cloth and gently massage it into the surface of the leather.

Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for the specific product you're using.

If you notice any minor cracks or tears in the leather during the cleaning process, consider using a leather patch for sofa to repair them. These patches can help prevent further damage and extend the lifespan of your sofa.

Buffer & Shine

Once the conditioner has been absorbed, use a clean, dry microfiber cloth to buff the leather and restore its natural shine. Gently rub the cloth over the surface in a circular motion, applying light pressure.

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Maintenance and Care Tips

To keep your leather sofa looking its best between deep cleanings, follow these simple maintenance tips:

  1. Vacuum them regularly
  2. Make sure to wipe up spills immediately
  3. Avoid placing them in direct sunlight
  4. Use coasters and placemats
  5. Keep rotating cushions time to time

By following these simple tips and incorporating regular cleaning into your routine, it is ensured that your leather sofa remains a stunning and comfortable centerpiece for perfect home decor for years to come.


Leather sofa cleaning may seem like a daunting task (specially white leather), but with the right techniques and supplies, it can be a straightforward process. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively remove dirt, stains, and grime from your leather sofa while also conditioning and protecting the material.

Remember, regular cleaning and maintenance are key to preserving the beauty and longevity of your leather furniture. With a little care and attention, your leather sofa will continue to be a luxurious and inviting addition to your home.